
Viral Marketing Strategy

"This often overlooked or unknown, yet supercharged marketing tactic
is my personal 'forte', and my favourite marketing strategy of all!"
After a consultation where we look at your target market, search engine keywords, product type and possible niche or U.S.P. development, I will devise and plan a Viral Marketing strategy designed to increase profits and exposure for your business.
Through manipulation of human community spirit and 'Peer Psychology', an approach can be devised whereby all you need to do is, (to shamelessly quote Shakespeare), "Let loose the dogs of war" and the marketing takes care of itself!
The human social networking system will take care of the rest, ensuring your branding, product announcement and any other marketing message reaches a mass of people which could never be reached through conventional advertising without a budget of literally millions. Perhaps this method of marketing should be called "Snowball Marketing" because that's the way this works when it is done correctly.
With a good viral marketing idea, and the right steps taken to make it succeed (which is the real power behind even the best viral ideas), many businesses see success happen so fast that they are totally unprepared to handle it...
Several years ago I got a call from a woman in Texas who was in TEARS, because she had become too successful, too fast!
Yes, that may sound like the kind of problem most people would love to be suffering from, but even success can be painful, and in her case it was.
And it was all because this uneducated and flat-broke single mother had a little "idea" (which just happened to be a KILLER viral idea!) and she didn't realise the power of this idea until:
- Her phone was red hot and ringing constantly meaning she couldn't get any sleep, and neither could her young children.
- She had nowhere near enough products to fulfil tons of orders which her website was still taking by the minute.
- Her hosting company threatened to sue her for crashing their servers stating that she should have given them some warning of the traffic explosion she had created so they could have prepared for it!
I remember her words clearly: "How the hell do I STOP this thing?!" and she was totally serious! Thankfully, with a little help from yours truly and a friend of mine in the U.S. she survived the 'outbreak' and did very, VERY well out of it indeed. She had to change hosting companies three times over the next few months, as each company grew too small to handle the traffic snowball!
So what did she do? Well I am hardly going to give her secret away right here on the page now am I?! What I will say though is that she had no experience on computers, no marketing skills whatsoever, but she DID have a little idea for a nice 'wish me well' type of slideshow, which had a great Viral element.
She got a book from the library which was something along the lines of "The Idiot's Guide to Powerpoint" and she began reading. After a few days, she knew enough to make a little slideshow presentation with some simple music in the background and a few words popping up over the images. She then sent it to a few friends (around ten I think) and said: "Please don't send this to anyone, it isn't finished yet, I just want your opinion to see if you think I should carry on with it?"
THAT was all she ever did to market her idea. She sent it to a few friends, who all loved it so much, they ignored her request to keep it under their hats, and they sent it to a few of their friends (probably saying the same thing!) and so it went on. Within 24 hours, her email account locked up and only when she investigated that, she then realised something pretty scary was happening! Then she contacted a famous US Internet Marketer, who contacted me to see how we could bail her out of the sudden but totally disorganised success she had created!
She had NO internet marketing skills (knowingly), and she had NO computer skills prior to the idea popping into her head. She is now very, VERY comfortable!
So, I hope you now know, if you didn't already, what i mean by Viral Marketing on the internet, its a way of creating a buzz through people talking to each other about something you created, and which carries your message of course. The traffic and publicity of a good viral strategy can be huge, but there is another major benefit to this technique...
The long-term search engine ranking benefits of a good viral strategy work like compound interest in your favour. With a topical video for example, you will find people linking to your website from blogs and social media networks to show their friends the 'funny' or 'moving' piece you have published, and when that happens, those backlinks are out there in the 'blogosphere', on forums, and on all kinds of websites for a VERY long time, which is superbly powerful when it comes to SEO and long term ranking abilities for your website.
From inventing the idea for your 'viral strategy' to designing and producing the media required to make it a huge success, I can help grow your business with the power and profit potential lying deep within the heart of the social media network and good old fashioned 'community buzz'.
This is such a powerful technique that I recommend it to ALL of my private internet marketing clients, as there is simply no faster way to bring traffic and sales from a massive audience, but for a fraction of the cost of the conventional advertising needed to accomplish the same results.
Viral Marketing Project Cost: £50 ($90) per hour for consultation/research, plus any design fees if using our designers, favourable rates for consulting clients.
(If you have a set budget to work with, get in touch with me and I will offer you some suggestions as to what could be achieved within your budget.)
Note : I offer a Free 30 minute consultation on Viral Marketing so that those who are curious but don't know a lot about this subject can gain a better understanding before going any further, risk free and without cost.
Contact Me now to request your Free Consultation
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