
UK Internet Marketing Copyright Statement

All content on this website is Copyright ©1999-2009
• All Rights Reserved Worldwide •
We do not permit ANY text, images, videos, design elements or anything else displayed on the site to be copied, transferred, sold, rented, leased, stored, recorded, performed or otherwise disseminated in any way whatsoever without the prior consent of Future Advertising Design, its owners or authorized agents.
Any individual, party or company irrespective of geographical location, found to be in breach of these Copyright Conditions will be pursued to the fullest extent of the law, without exception.
Much of the data and imagery on the site can easily be tracked if it is re-used on another website, and if any of our content is found published on another website or anywhere at all without prior written permission, it will be interpreted as deliberate and malicious theft of our intellectual property and will be pursued aggressively in all cases.
Use of this site in any way constitutes acceptance of these regulations and ignorance of the rules of Copyright will not be a valid argument against legal action which will be taken in all instances.
Do NOT steal text, images or any other content from this site.
If you do wish to use anything from our site in any way, simply Contact Us to ask permission and we will probably grant you full permission to do so, but please ask because if you choose not to ask first then your motives will be treated as dishonest and malicious.
Terms of Use:
All Marketing Strategies and Techniques have varying results due to many variables and influencing factors. As a result, any information, advice, suggestions or any other guidance you take from this site is not warrantied in any way to produce any specific results whatsoever.
We make no guarantees regarding earnings, success, or results from any marketing strategies or approaches suggested by our company. We can merely suggest techniques we think will benefit our visitors or coaching clients, and the results those methods bring for you are in no way tied to us.
Earnings and Profits which you obtain from our marketing guidance are yours, and are not payable to us in any form, or on any commission basis of any kind. We simply offer advice and techniques which we hope you will use to your advantage with the added knowledge and skills you posses in your particular industry or market.
Use of this website constitues acceptance of all Terms of Use, and Copyright statements on this page.
We do however hope that our advice brings you as much success as it has for many individual clients and visitors to our site, but the secret to making this happen, is the WAY you use our information and how you integrate it into your own marketing campaign. As a result, we offer no warranty or guarantees to anyone using our Internet Marketing strategies in their business.
We accept NO responsibility for any loss, injury or commercial harm which you suffer at any time in your business.
Now that's been said, we hope you will use our information, and we hope you will use it to bring about your very own huge commercial success online!
Internet Marketing Consultant