
Press Marketing & Campaigning

"The power of a well-planned and well-executed
Press Campaign is almost as potent as the power
of Viral Marketing, and in some cases, it can match it."
The key to a good press campaign is having a good "Angle". With one of my longest serving clients often reffering to me as "Mr Angle", you need look no further in finding that unique and powerful angle to take your business to newspaper headlines and thousands of website homepages extremely quickly.
With a cleverly constructed 'angle', put into a well-written Press Release or similar press offering (plus some secret resources of my own), what you end up with is a potential media frenzy waiting to happen, for your business!
The secret, if there is one, is producing the news release in a thoroughly 'newsworthy' manner, rather than presenting a sales page to the press and hoping they will disperse it for you to millions of people. Press people and media staff are far from stupid, and although they will often accept your release for consideration, they will rarely give it the exposure it needs if it just sounds like a sales letter.
By innovating a unique 'angle' and presenting it in a totally media-orientated style, you will entice people (via the press) to visit your website out of curiosity rather than as a consumer. Turning curiosity or 'news interest' into a sale is far easier than turning a more 'resistant' consumer/visitor into a sale. This is where a good press campaign comes into its own.
The power of Press Marketing is immense, IF you get it right. Getting it right is what I do, and along the way I will teach you the skills needed to market via the news media effectively and with great succcess, enabling you to 'rinse and repeat' as often as you like into the future, bring continuous prospects to your website.
Press Campaign Project Cost: £50 per hour for consultation and PR authorship.
(If you have a set budget to work with, get in touch with me and I will offer you some suggestions as to what could be achieved within your budget.)
Note : I offer a Free 30 minute consultation on Press Marketing so that those who are curious but don't know a lot about this subject can gain a better understanding before going any further, and without cost.
Please Contact Me to request a Free Consulation
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