I offer a wide range of custom WordPress web design, media (audio, video, music, podcast) production/editing/mixing & mastering, Mac computer tech support/training/upgrades/repair, and web hosting services.
If you need something that’s not listed below, just contact me now and ask.
WordPress Services – $65/hour (no minimums) • Maintenance & Webmaster
- Contract & Piecemeal Webmaster Duties • General monthly maintenance, updates & security for your existing site
- Periodic & Emergency Security Response • Backups, malware cleanup and site (security) hardening and restorations
- Content Formatting & Posting • Regular or piecemeal blog posts, content formatting, image editing and updates
- Design Services • Image headers, social media covers, advertising banners, promotional graphics, image buttons, podcast badges, etc.
- Coding Services • PHP & Javascript tweaks, new plugins, minor or major page tweaks, new theme install & customization or re-customizing existing theme
- Social Media Syndication • Setup social sharing & “Like” buttons, syndication and single sign in plugins
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization) • On-page keywords and meta tag planning, writing & cleanup, content funnel planning, search strategy consulting
- Domain Services • Register and transfer domains, domain parking, add-on domains, etc.
- Site Hosting Services • Site migration to new hosting, DNS records management, Email account creation/migrations, etc.
WordPress Website Design – Starting at $650 • New Site or Upgrade Your Old Site
- Industry standard open-source WordPress site/blog content management system (CMS)
- High-speed web hosting account with 500MB storage, 5000MB/mo bandwidth, up to 5 email accounts
– Your first full year of web hosting is free!* (from site design start date) - Free or Premium WordPress Theme with Mobile/iOS compatibility (premium theme extra)
- Custom-designed header image with your existing logo, site title, slogan and background image (image license extra)
- Up to 5 pages of your content, styled & formatted (add more pages for minimal extra cost)
- Customized contact form, recent posts/comments widgets, Facebook/Twitter feed widgets
- Social Media buttons: Facebook “Like” / Google+ / Twitter / Pin Bookmarking buttons
- Site search, navigation menu, footer menu, post calendar/archives widgets
- Free site database Backup Plugin & configuration, Security Plugin & Configuration, Domain Name setup (domain registration extra)
- Update your own pages or blog posts anytime you wish (I’m always available to help also)
- Many other custom design & premium options available (extra)
- Personalized support & WordPress tutorials by Mark (extra, via remote screen-sharing)
- Contact me for more details or to start your new WordPress Site today!
Need more? No problem…
I can provide a detailed estimate or bid on your new custom site!
All design projects for $900 or more include a full year of free web hosting* on high-speed servers, provided by one of the largest and most reliable hosts available, and personalized support.
High-Speed Web Hosting Accounts
- High-speed shared web hosting with major top-tier provider
- Standard cPanel accounts with Fantastico and QuickInstall, with many scripting options
- Accounts from 100MB to 10GB of storage, and 1000MB to 100GB of monthly transfers
- Unlimited email accounts, email forwards, and FTP accounts available
- Detailed stats, 3 web-mail clients, video tutorials, Spam Assassin, dedicated IPs
- Parked and add-on domains, 24/7 server monitoring, PHP, MySQL, RAILS, CGI, PERL
- WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, PHP-Nuke, 8 eCommerce carts, bbPress, phpBB, SMF
- 6 gallery scripts, phpList, project management & tech support scripts, surveys, wikis
- Unlimited bandwidth media hosting available (for podcasts, audio, video, Flash, etc.)
- Personalized support & tutorials by Mark
- Contact me for more details or to start using your new Web Hosting account today!

Other Related Services
- Precision audio/video podcast editing, mixing, mastering, compression and publishing.
- Original music scoring & royalty-free music licensing for video games, viral videos, corporate dents, YouTube, advertising, etc.
- Commercial music/band/studio mixing & mastering (GreylingStudios.com) – I’ll make your EP sound great!
- Voice recording, editing & mastering for site intros, presentations, promotions, and training.
- Mac computer system consulting, remote tech support/training, installations, backup system design, file organization, repairs, etc.
- Emergency Communications Consulting and VHF/UHF SHTF Prepper Two-Way Radios
- Need something else media or tech-related? — Contact me today and ask!
*(up to 500MB space / 5000MB bandwidth, shared server)
Browse my recent custom WordPress and HTML web design work,
then contact me today for a free estimate on your next project.